Tuesday, May 1, 2012


To my parents for their unconditional love, unwavering faith and seeing me off together with unfathomable composure. To my brother for ceaseless assistance in the procuring of supplies and inspiring a noble spirit of adventure to keep my chin from sinking. To the love of my life for her unbelievable support, humbling patience and the anchor to my sanity and pride as well as her ever-welcoming family for their heartfelt insight, company, and comfort. To my closest friends for providing me joyous times outside myself and the wisdom not to take myself too seriously. To my former coworkers for genuinely reaching out, keeping me in the highest of regards and always a place or party to crash. To every respected elder I hesitantly revealed my selfish and shameful circumstances to and their always-surprisingly quixotic encouragements. And to our dog, Zissou, for never judging and reminding me to keep life simple.


PS. And to the hotel for not towing my bike after half a year of illegal parking.

Some would call you lucky. I''ll call you Chance.

P.P.S. And a huge thanks to you for investing in the tale that would become the following...

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