Friday, June 22, 2012


A message from your writer-rider:

Over 5,000 miles have passed underneath my feet over the course of 10 weeks! We did not plan on coming this far nor anticipated the readership this travel journal has earned along the way. The end is not quite in sight but certainly well in mind as my stalwart cycle and I make our way towards the legendary natural fringes of the American wild west known as Ol' Man River, The Big Muddy, or as most of us are familiar with, the mighty Mississippi River. Immortalized in literature by the likes of Twain, Faulkner, and Melville, I've endevored to reach Louisiana and ride north alongside the great river in hopes that this tale may be enriched by the very same wide waters which have inspired so many others. Yes, family and friends, I have finally given myself a plan, however still very sensitive to the whims of chance and serendipity.

Upon reaching the river's northern terminus, old friends in Minneapolis will take us both in and prepare us for the trek west to where it all began. All in all, a conservative estimate of 5,000 more miles stand before me and our homecoming, though due to the expanse of relatively uneventful roads that is the Midwest, much of this distance will be traversed with much more haste and stamina.

It's always amusing to recall how I originally dead reckoned a generous week to simply fetch my ride from San Francisco and meander my way back to the Pacific Northwest. Though I geared myself to survive indefinitely, having severed my ties from the realm of the working, my funds were definitely finite. Therein lies the dilemma.

~ ~ ~

Esteemed avid readers,
occasional skimmers,
photo glancers,
and supporters in spirit,

I provide this intermission primarily as a proposal. As my financiers for this expedition have ceased to provide, so to speak, the latter half of my journey will be nothing short of interesting when it comes to acquiring the means to continue. Hand outs are not what I am after as you'll see in the coming weeks. I'll be doing my part to see that this story does not reach a premature end (which will require tapping into my infamous bravado among other talents). Where you can help is here...

1 buck = 10 miles. 10 bucks = 100 miles. It's a safe average for gasoline and Chance has always been known to make the most of what he's got!

Whatever you can toss in the tank, I will see to it that you will be reimbursed by year's end. Consider it an investment to a story in the making - not a donation. Also, taking after the Middlegate Station tradition, feel free to write a message on that gracious bill. I humbly ask for small change as I am confident that my personal efforts may get us by, though I will not decline any size or number of contributions. As much as I take pride in pulling myself up by my own bootstraps, what makes this experience unique is that I've opened myself up to the company, help, and wisdom of those met along the way. The verdict is my story has been that much more intriguing and colorful as a result so here is your chance to be a part of it and keep it going.

Thank you all for your readership and continued support. Cheers to many more miles!

Yours truly,Bonne & Chance

Give Us a Chance
Words to Ride By:

(Instructions: Select a chance, feel free to write a message then click Toss in the Tank. Either login to Paypal if you have an account or select to simply cover it with a card.)



  1. Happy to support someone and something I wholeheartedly believe in!

    Chance favors those in motion. - James Austin

    Ride on friend!

